Links and Further Information

Central team

Chief Investigator - Mostafa Metwally, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT

Lead Research Nurse - Clare Pye, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT

Senior Research Nurse - Liz Taylor, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT

Trial Manager - Kirsty Mckendrick, CTRU, University of Sheffield

CTRU Lead - David White, University of Sheffield

Assistant CTRU Lead - Robin Chatters, CTRU, University of Sheffield

Research Assistant - Katie Ridsdale, CTRU, University of Sheffield

Head of Data Management - Amanda Loban, CTRU, University of Sheffield

Data Manager - Richard Simmonds, CTRU, University of Sheffield

Lead Statistician - Munya Dimairo, CTRU, University of Sheffield

Statistician - Lauren Desoysa, CTRU, University of Sheffield

Lead Health Economist - Tracey Young, University of Sheffield

Health Economist - Laura Flight, University of Sheffield

Lead Qualitative Researcher - Alicia O'Cathain, University of Sheffield

Qualitative Researcher - Elizabeth Lumley, University of Sheffield

Clinical Expertise - Ying Cheong, University of Southampton

Clinical Expertise - Andrew Drakeley, Liverpool Women's NHS FT

Clinical Expertise - Raj Mather, Manchester University NHS FT

Trial Support Officer - Jake Brown, CTRU, University of Sheffield


This study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research, Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) Programme


Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Patient Information Sheet

Downloadable Patient information sheet PDF - click the image below.

Note: the link will take you to a generic Patient Information Sheet. Each site participating in the trial has its own version with site specific contact details. These are available from the participating sites.

STOP-OHSS - Patient information sheet and ICF v2.1 03Mar22 .docx